KA101 Room A, 11:30, August 6, Monday |
Taming Methane. Dehydrogenation, Olefination and Catalytic Borylation Reactions |
Daniel J Mindiola |
University of Pennsylvania |
KA104 Room A, 14:30, August 6, Monday |
The Methane Challenge: A Cold Experimental/Computational Approach to a Hot Problem |
Helmut Schwarz |
Technische Universität Berlin |
KA108 Room A, 16:50, August 6, Monday |
Oxidative Methane Activation over Microporous Materials |
Raul F. Lobo |
University of Delaware |
KA205 Room A, 14:30, August 7, Tuesday |
New insights into active sites and mechanism of methane aromatization on Mo/ZSM-5 |
Emiel Hensen |
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven |
KA210 Room A, 16:50, August 7, Tuesday |
Methane oxidation using gold-containing nanoparticles |
Graham Hutchings |
Cardiff University |
KA301 Room A, 11:30, August 8, Wednesday |
Photoelectrochemical water splitting for solar hydrogen production over oxide semiconductors: A perspective |
Jae Sung Lee |
School of Nano-Bioscience and Chemical Engineering |
KA310 Room A, 16:50, August 8, Wednesday |
Identification of Optimal Redox Shuttle Properties for Efficient Photocatalytic Z-Scheme Solar Water Splitting Reactors |
Shane Ardo |
University of California Irvine |
KA405 Room A, 12:50, August 9, Thursday |
Molecular Designed Solid Catalysts for Energy Applications |
Xu Rong |
Nanyang Technological University |
KA501 Room A, 9:00, August 1, Friday |
Photocatalytic carbon monoxide evolution from carbon dioxide in aqueous solution by the aid of artificial photosynthesis |
Tsunehiro Tanaka |
Kyoto University |
KB103 Room B, 12:10, August 6, Monday |
Omer Koseoglu |
Saudi Aramco |
KB106 Room B, 15:10, August 6, Monday |
Applied Catalysis and STAX® Modeling for Petroleum Residue Upgrading |
Hiroshi Toshima |
Albemarle Catalysts Company BV |
KB109 Room B, 16:50, August 6, Monday |
Catalyst Design and Development for a Novel Methyl Methacrylate Process |
John Runnacles  |
Lucite International UK Ltd |
KB203 Room B, 12:10, August 7, Tuesday |
Innovative process for carbonates from CO2 |
Budianto Nishiyama, Masaaki Shinohata, Nobuhisa Miyake |
Asahi Kasei Corp. |
KB210 Room B, 16:50, August 7, Tuesday |
Advancement of Environmental Catalysts to Improve “Real-World” Automotive
Aftertreatment |
Chang Hwan Kim |
Head of automotive catalysis group Hyundai |
KC205 Room C, 14:30, August 7, Tuesday |
Direct oxygen insertion to C-H bond by enzyme-mimic copper complexes |
Chung-Yuan Mou |
National Taiwan University |
KC210 Room C, 16:50, August 7, Tuesday |
A Significant Enhancement of Catalytic Properties by Adjusting Catalyst Wettability |
Fengshou Xiao |
Zhejiang University |
KC211 Room C, 17:30, August 7, Tuesday |
Tungsten dispersion and coke reduction on metathesis catalyst for propene production |
Piyasan Praserthdam, Surasa Maksasithorn, Wimonrat Limsangkass, Narongrat Poovarawan |
Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand |
KC310 Room C, 16:50, August 8, Wednesday |
Catalysis in Confined Spaces |
F. Dean Toste |
UC Berkeley |
KC401 Room C, 11:30, August 9, Thursday |
Hybrid catalysis as the next challenge in biorefineries: concept and examples |
Franck Dumeignil, Alexandra Gimbernat, Marie Guehl, Mickael Capron, Nicolas Lopes Ferreira,
Renato Froidevaux, Jean-Sebastien Girardon, Pascal Dhulster, Damien Delcroix |
Univ. Lille, CNRS, Centrale Lille, ENSCL, Univ. Artois, UMR 8181 UCCS - Unite de Catalyse et Chimie du Solide, F-59000 Lille, France, Univ. Lille, INRA, ISA, Univ. Artois, Univ. Littoral Cote d Opale, EA 7394 - ICV - Institut Charles Viollette, F-59000 Lille, France, IFP Energies Nouvelles, Rond-point de l echangeur de Solaize, BP 3, 69360 Solaize, France, IFP Energies Nouvelles, 1 et 4 Avenue de Bois-Preau, 92852 Rueil Malmaison, France |
KC404 Room C, 12:50, August 9, Thursday |
On route to understanding ligand control of catalysis on supported cluster surfaces |
Alexander Katz |
University of California |
KD103 Room D, 12:10, August 6, Monday |
Catalysis for upgrading C1 feedstocks |
Aditya Bhan, Anurag Kumar |
University of Minnesota Twin Cities |
KD104 Room D, 14:30, August 6, Monday |
Stability of CO hydrogenation catalysts studied in-situ |
Michael Claeys |
University of Cape Town |
KD107 Room D, 15:50, August 6, Monday |
Development of new syngas conversion routes beyond Fischer-Tropsch synthesis |
Ye Wang |
Xiamen University |
KD110 Room D, 17:30, August 6, Monday |
One-pot conversion of carbon oxides into formaldehyde and its derivatives in liquid phase reactions |
Aksha Tanksale |
Monash University |
KD313 Room D, 17:30, August 8, Wednesday |
Strategic Development of Catalyst-Membrane System for CO2 and Biomass Conversions
Sibudjing Kawi |
National University of Singapore |
KE101 Room E, 11:30, August 6, Monday |
Space- and time-resolved operando spectroscopic studies of heterogeneous catalysts under unsteady-state operations |
Atsushi Urakawa |
Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ) |
KE106 Room E, 15:10, August 6, Monday |
Molecular understanding and controlled functionalization of surfaces towards single-site catalysts and beyond |
Christophe Coperet |
ETH Zurich |
KE201 Room E, 11:30, August 7, Tuesday |
Photochemistry of doped metal oxides. Is there some hope for applications in visible-light photocatalysis? |
Elio Giamello |
University of Torino |
KE206 Room E, 15:10, August 7, Tuesday |
Tailoring MOFs for CO2 hydrogenation reactions |
Unni Olsbye |
University of Oslo |
KE211 Room E, 17:30, August 7, Tuesday |
Functional Nanoporous Materials for Lignocellulosic Biomass Conversion |
Kevin C.-W. Wu |
National Taiwan University |
KE308 Room E, 15:50, August 8, Wednesday |
Selectivity control in acid-base catalysis for valorisation of biomass derivates |
Bo-Qing Xu |
Tsinghua University |
KF107 Room F, 15:10, August 6, Monday |
Selective hydrogenolysis of cellulose and its derivatives to chemicals: catalytic functions and reaction pathways |
Haichao Liu |
Peking University |
KF209 Room F, 15:50, August 7, Tuesday |
New Catalytic Pathways for Production of a, w-diols from Biomass |
Jiayue He, Kefeng Huang, Kevin J Barnett, Siddarth Krishna, David M Alonso, Zachary
J Brentzel, Samuel P Burt, Theodore Walker, William F Banholzer, Christos
T Maravelias, Ive Hermans, James A Dumesic, George W Huber |
University of Wisconsin-Madison |
KF307 Room F, 15:10, August 8, Wednesday |
Designing Porous Catalysts for Biomass Transformations |
Karen Wilson, Adam F Lee |
School of Science, RMIT University,124 La Trobe St, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia |
KF312 Room F, 17:30, August 8, Wednesday |
Sustainable Catalysts for the fixation of Carbon Dioxide and Carbon Monoxide as C-1 sources to synthesize the Value Added Chemicals |
Bhalchandra Bhanage, Vitthal Saptal |
Institute of Chemical Technology |
KF403 Room F, 12:10, August 9, Thursday |
Hydrogen borrowing methodology for catalytic synthesis of amines and alcohols |
Irina L. Simakova |
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis |
KF503 Room F, 9:40, August 1, Friday |
Role of heterogeneous catalysis in the biorefinery of wood into chemicals |
Bert Sels |
KU Leuven |