Exhibition submission is also accepted! See this web site!
Deadline will be re-extended to January 10, 2018.
Those who wish to present a paper in the sessions are requested to submit
an abstract (A4 size, 2 pages). The template of the abstracts is obtained
here (
Word or
pdf). Desirable mode of presentation (oral or poster) should be selected at the abstract submission on the website. Selection of paper and the mode of presentation will be decided by the Organizing Committee based on the abstracts. The abstracts will be delivered in a USB memory. The abstracts must be received on our website by
January 10, 2018. Notice of acceptance will be sent by the Organizing Committee to the authors by March 31, 2018.
Abstract submission starts!
Microsoft Word 97/2003, pdf-format
Dead-line is December 31, 2017.

The scientific program consists of Plenary lectures for overall sessions,
Keynote lectures for parallel sessions, contributed oral presentations
for each session and posters.
Plenary Speakers are listed here.
Registration will start on 2017.
Payment by credit-card basically for both on-line and on-site.
The early-bird registration will be carried out on-line settlement with use of your credit-card.
Registration Fee (Yen) |
Early-bird |
On-site |
Regular |
\80,000 |
\90,000 |
Student |
\20,000 |
\25,000 |
Banquet |
\12,000 |
\12,000 |
If you will participate in both TOCAT8 and ZMPC2018, see here.